Assemble and annotate a chloroplast genome

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Get data

Check read quality

What summary statistics would be useful to look at?

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This will depend on the aim of your analysis, but usually:

  • Sequencing depth (the number of reads covering each base position; also called “coverage”). Higher depth is usually better, but at very high depths it may be better to subsample the reads, as errors can swamp the assembly graph.

  • Sequencing quality (the quality score indicates probability of base call being correct). You may trim or filter reads on quality. Phred quality scores are logarithmic: phred quality 10 = 90% chance of base call being correct; phred quality 20 = 99% chance of base call being correct. More detail here.

  • Read lengths (read lengths histogram, and reads lengths vs. quality plots). Your analysis or assembly may need reads of a certain length.

Assemble reads

assembly graph

What is your interpretation of this assembly graph?

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One interpretation is that this represents the typical circular chloroplast structure: There is a long single-copy region (the node of around 78,000 bp), connected to the inverted repeat (a node of around 28,000 bp), connected to the short single-copy region (of around 11,000 bp). In the graph, each end loop is a single-copy region (either long or short) and the centre bar is the collapsed inverted repeat which should have about twice the sequencing depth.

Polish assembly

How does the short-read Pilon-polished assembly compare to the unpolished flye-assembly.fasta?

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This will depend on the settings, but as an example: your polished assembly might be about 10-15 Kbp longer. Nanopore reads can have homopolymer deletions - a run of AAAA may be interpreted as AAA - so the more accurate illumina reads may correct these parts of the long-read assembly. In the Changes file, there may be a lot of cases showing a supposed deletion (represented by a dot) being corrected to a base.

View reads


What are some reasons that the read coverage may vary across the reference genome?

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There may be lots of reasons. Some possibilities:

1/ In areas of high read coverage: this region may be a collapsed repeat.

2/ In areas of low or no coverage: this region may be difficult to sequence; or, this region may be a misassembly.


What are the differences between the nanopore and the illumina reads?

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Nanopore reads are longer and have a higher error rate.

Annotate genome


Why might there be several annotations over the same genome region?

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One reason is that these are predictions from different tools - such as BLAT or HMMER.

Repeat with new data

Tutorial summary

What were the main steps in this tutorial?

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Get data → Assemble → Polish → Annotate

What common file types were used or created?

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fastq fasta bam gff3

input_reads.fastqassembly.fastamapped_short_reads_to_assembly.bam and polished_assembly.fastaannotations.gff3

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